Sunday, October 5, 2008

Circus Tricks

We took the kids to the Ringling Bros Circus last week. I bought the tickets the night before the show and somehow landed front row seats...??? It was a bit of a challenge at first - I had to cover Cloe's ears because the loud noises scared her, and Zane was just so excited to be there and a bit overwhelmed with everything going on. He loved it... We only got one picture during the night because Chris and I were wrestling the kids and it was just too hard to get pictures. We saw elephants and tigers and all sorts of spinning and tricks from the actors - it was really cool. Zane and Chris' favorite part was the motorcycles. They drove around in a round cage - 7 of them - those people had to be crazy! Cloe stared at the lights and was pretty entertained by everything going on...It was quite an adventurous night for all of us...

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